Commemoration of the first anniversary of Lea Vanrompay's passing away

A celebration of transmission

Registration for Memorial Lea Van Rompay

Our dear Lea Vanrompay, founding member of the Yeunten Ling Institute, Vice-President of the Board of Directors and emeritus member of the Board of Directors of the Belgian Buddhist Union, passed away peacefully on 2 August 2023, in the institute that was so close to her heart and comforted by the presence of Rigzin Jatsön Rinpoche and many lamas. 

She had devoted the last 46 years of her life to the development of our Institute and, more broadly, to the spread of Buddhism in Belgium.

To commemorate the first anniversary of her decease, our Institute is organizing two days of celebrations under the direction of Lama Zeupa, with the participation of several lamas visiting Yeunten Ling : we will be dedicating traditional practices to Lea. 

You can also read the letter that she left us, the testament she intended for all those who have at heart the continuation of her life's work for the benefit of the centers of our Mandala : it is posted on the Yeunten Ling website.  

All those who knew Lea were able to appreciate the extent to which the practice of Buddhism and a whole life devoted to the Dharma revealed in her the light of wisdom and compassion. 

Read the letter she left us ...

Everyone is welcome to attend this commemoration on Sunday August 4th. 

Registration only needed if you want to have lunch with us : Vegetarian meal (€15 members - € 21 non-members)

I want to make a donation to support the Institute

Date and time
4 August 2024
10:00 16:30 Europe/Brussels


Promenade Saint-Jean l'Agneau 4
4500 Huy
+32 (0)85 27 11 88
How to get at Yeunten  Ling ?
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+32 (0)85 27 11 88

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